Castle Vízmburk – 3D modeling and visualisation

A short render of our 3D efforts was just released. How does this medieval fortress looked like in 15. century?

A castle Vízumburk Society had published the render of the probable appearance of the castle in 15. century – in its very blossom. The model itself and published render was made in our laboratory a few months ago, except of backing music (would not be a “Castle made of send” better choice?).

Has to be mentioned that this video is only most likely reconstruction of the castle – we analysed the terrain situation, archive resources and analogous objects in the Central Europe to achieve the most plausible result. Owing a big thanks to Milan Sýkora (Most) for his deep knowledge of medieval fortified architecture and his patience as well and Ďobo Chajbullin Koštial for his rendering mastery.

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